Minutes Holden Finance Committee, March 14, 2012, HMLD
Members Present:
Jim Dunn, Al Berg, Paul Challenger, Peter Lacy, Don Mancini, Joe Dolak, Karl Makela, Marilynn Foley
Member Absent:
Rick Bates
Also Present:
Nancy Galkowski, Town Manager, Jacquie Kelly, Asst. Town Manager. Dennis Lipka, Growth Management Director, Selectmen: Bob Lavigne (by conference call), Ken O’Brien, Ken Lipka
The meeting was called to order at 7:00.
The Committee received the Montachusett Regional Vocational Technical School tentative budget and assessment for F/Y13 which is $14,000.00 higher than estimated due to debt and transportation costs. Holden has 55 students currently enrolled at Montachusett.
Dennis reviewed the Growth Management, Inspection and Solid Waste Budgets and answered questions from the Committee. Health Services are planned to be regionalized.
The Committee discussed Don’s memo. The Committee will continue discussion on April 14.
Karl reported that the completion date for the Public Safety Building is April 15. That Committee is working with the state about the traffic signals in front of the building.
Paul had nothing to report on Mountview or the Regional Task Force.
A motion by Paul 2nd by Joe to approve the minutes of March 7, 2012 as corrected was voted unanimously (abstained Karl).
The meeting adjourned at 9:50.
Respectfully Submitted,
Marilynn Foley, Clerk